Utah Makes OHV Certificates Digital, Paving Way For Future Permitting

Ross Ballot
by Ross Ballot

As long as OHV classes have been around, they've largely stuck to the traditional model of tangible, printed-on-paper certificates that you have to keep safe and dry, on your person wherever it is that you go exploring. Recently, Utah and its Division of Outdoor Recreation announced they have stepped into the 21st century and are now offering a Digital Wallet option for certificate holders, which will help set the stage for how this process works in the future.

In a constantly evolving technological world, it was only a matter of time before organizations started abandoning – or at least offering alternative options – old-school printed certificates. We're even seeing states consider digital driver's licenses, and this modernized, digitized methodology is making an appearance in the OHV world as well.

Utah's Utah Division of Outdoor Recreation is now offering a smartphone option for "carrying" one's certificate (in this case proof of eligibility for using an OHV), which is available on both Apple and Android devices. This is done primarily for "making it easy to access anytime, anywhere, on any adventure." We presume this means that the certificate must be downloaded for use in locales with no cell service or WIFI, so be sure to look into the details should you go this route. Of course, printed versions are still accepted.

The most interesting aspect here is that this sets the stage for the way certificates, permits, and so on are all handled going forward. This means ease of access for off-roaders who have cell phones, which is likely the vast majority, and an easier means of issuing and maintaining the forms for which riders and adventurers must hold with them at all times.

To use the Digital Wallet option for OHV Education, Utah is encouraging those to visit this link on your smartphone and choose "Add to Wallet" for Apple or Google wallet. We look forward to seeing this make its way into other states in the near future.

Ross Ballot
Ross Ballot

Ross hosts The Off the Road Again Podcast. He has been in the off-road world since he was a kid riding in the back of his dad’s YJ Wrangler. He works in marketing by day and in his free time contributes to Hooniverse, AutoGuide, and ATV.com, and in the past has contributed to UTV Driver, ATV Rider, and Everyday Driver. Ross drives a 2018 Lexus GX460 that is an ongoing build project featured on multiple websites and the podcast and spends his free time working on and riding ATVs.

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